A reputable credit score , conducting property visits and knowing what you want to have in a condo is the basic guidelines when hunting for down for a unit. On top of that, you must be realistic. You should take time to get in each flat before agreeing to any contract. Moreover, you must be flexible. Not all units will turn out the way they look in photos. All of these are part of the non-negotiable rules of purchasing a big-ticket asset such as a condo. On top of that, you must also consider living conditions if you plan on living there. Accessibility is crucial . Therefore, think of location and transportation routes. The Philippines condo for sale must be part of a sustainable community. If you already have these on lockdown, the next thing to do is to consider the remaining set of guides. Learning more about the developer before applying for a loan and maximizing your investment by choosing between pre-selling or RFO is part of the next set of rules that must be part of ...