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Showing posts from May, 2018

How To Implement the 5S Philosophy in the Workplace

Photo taken by Arshad Pooloo Companies believe in streamlining their workflow and production by implementing the 5S philosophy in the workplace. This philosophy started in Japan's catalyst for industrial revolution, Toyota . The company wanted to simplify its manufacturing process by trimming the unnecessary. To do this, the working area must be tidy and its items sorted based on the frequency of use. Thus, there will be a linear production process and orderly system of accomplishing a task. Elimination of wastes and irrelevant tools in production also minimizes costs and uncovers problems in an office space for lease in Makati . Getting rid of stuff to clear spaces in the first step to improvement as it makes underlying problems visible. Uncovering the issues at work is simple when you follow the 5S philosophy. What is 5S? Sakichi Toyoda's 5S stands for five Japanese words - seiri , seiton , seiso , seiketsu , and shitsuke . These words comprise the process of simplify