Photo taken by Arshad Pooloo
Companies believe in streamlining their workflow and production by implementing the 5S philosophy in the workplace. This philosophy started in Japan's catalyst for industrial revolution, Toyota. The company wanted to simplify its manufacturing process by trimming the unnecessary. To do this, the working area must be tidy and its items sorted based on the frequency of use. Thus, there will be a linear production process and orderly system of accomplishing a task.
Elimination of wastes and irrelevant tools in production also minimizes costs and uncovers problems in an office space for lease in Makati. Getting rid of stuff to clear spaces in the first step to improvement as it makes underlying problems visible. Uncovering the issues at work is simple when you follow the 5S philosophy.
What is 5S?
Sakichi Toyoda's 5S stands for five Japanese words - seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke. These words comprise the process of simplifying production and daily work operations. Each word stands for a specific action you must accomplish to bring you closer to your organization's goal.How To Use 5S?
1. Seiri
It means 'sort'. The goal of sorting items is to eliminate what's unnecessary in the workplace. Sorting isn't similar to rearranging the items in the work area. It is separating the needs from wants as well as the frequency of use. To begin 'seiri' or sorting, you must create an inventory of the tools and materials required for daily operations. You can place red tags on unneeded items. Tagging is a visual method for identifying the stuff to place in a central holding area for evaluation. Occasionally used items are moved to a storage location far from immediate work area while those items with no use must go to the trash.2. Seiton
The next step is to 'set in order' or 'straighten'. you can set everything in order once everything is in its place. Equipment and raw materials must be in a convenient position. An ideal position is easy to reach and close to the working station. The goal of seiton is to maximize production through efficient workstation layout. Accessible tools and materials eliminate wasting of time from unnecessary search and motion.3. Seisu
After sorting and setting a house for stuff and equipment, you must clean and check their state. However, cleaning isn't a one-time thing. You must do it religiously to prepare for daily production. Polishing tools, mopping the floor, wiping the walls and other equipment ensures the working area is free of dirt, waste, and scrap. Checking if the workstation has proper lighting and functional equipment must be part of your daily routine.4. Seiketsu
It's not enough to clear the unnecessary, keep each item in their place and clean each workstation daily. There must be standard or a procedure for the staff to follow. Making 5S standardized is a technique to maintain all areas. Discussing your goals as a team will help in establishing rules and defining work standards. The office or production floor will return to its pre-5S state when information isn't shared with everyone. Someone must be in charge to check if the first 3S is up to the discussed required standards.5. Shitsuke
There must be regular audits to sustain the 5S. Shitsuke is about continuing the philosophy by respecting the process and improving your standards. That way, it becomes a habit everyone must adhere. Inspecting workplaces before and after work encourage the staff and recognize people who participate in the efforts. It also shows employees who slack. You can impose a sanction or strict rules on those not following procedures. Continually discussing the benefits of 5S and its results raise the level of improvement.As much as possible, do not allow external habits to prevent the organization from following the 5S principles. To achieve order in the workplace, you must first tackle with the elements within than outside the firm. It's crucial to involve everyone in the process especially during inspection to gain feedback and improve your 5S strategy.
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