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10 Things That Count as Work Place Harassment

hand, finger, gesture, aggression, fuck you

The United States law defines sexual harassment as "uninvited verbal, visual, non-verbal, or physical conduct of sexual nature based on someone's sex that is severe or pervasive and affects working conditions or creates a hostile work environment."

People are only aware of the usual behaviors considered as harassment, which is inappropriate touching and shaming. Other acts are less noticeable and must be open to discussion with the employees. They will better understand sanctions and repercussions when they get the idea behind harassing a staff at an office space for rent Philippines.

These are ten offenses you must watch out.

1. Suggestive staring at someone's body

Workplace sexual harassment can be non-verbal and non-physical. It isn't just the comments or physical actions to a person or coming from one. Staring at someone's body is an example of this.

If someone is long at your body in a suggestive way, it can be considered harassment especially if it makes you feel uncomfortable.

2. Sending suggestive letters, notes, and e-mails

Another non-verbal and non-physical sexual harassment is passing suggestive notes. It can threaten the other party's relationship and career especially if they don't want to participate.

Suggestive letters, notes, and e-mails of any kind and those with sexual overtones set a permanent record on both employees. Both can be subject to termination and the cause of low performance during annual reviews.

3. Taking sides of a gender

Sexual harassment isn't only sexual insinuation. Harassing conduct can also be unlawful if biased on sex or gender. For instance, a woman singled out because she is working as a carpenter or some other job for the male is a form of unlawful sexual harassment.

The woman receives harsh criticism and verbal abuse even if the job performance is the same or goes beyond her male coworker. Another instance of taking sides of gender is when a superior, manager or team player prefers the side of the employee's gender she or she identifies.

4. Comments on other's sexual orientation or gender identity

It's rude to comment about someone's sexual orientation or gender identity. It's uncomfortable and invalidates your personality. If someone is doing it to you, ask the person to stop. If they insist their comments, you can report them as sexual harassment if they're happening at work.

5. Talking about your colleague's relationship

Any unwanted comment in the workplace is a form of harassment. If an employee inquires into your relationship even when you've made it clear you don't want to talk about it, it is a form of harassment.

Small talk and other intimate conversations are fine as long as both parties are open to the idea. Both must be comfortable to discuss topics without crossing personal boundaries.

6. Making sexual jokes

Jokes are risky. Trying to crack one with an underlying theme is more inappropriate. No matter how innocent or funny it may seem, sexual jokes have no place at work.

It makes people feel awkward and weird. If someone makes you feel awkward and weird whenever they share a few "green" jokes to lighten up the mood, you can and must talk to someone about it.

7. Asking about someone's sexual history

If jokes are almost a red flag, then talking about their sexual history is definitely a no-no at work. Asking a colleague or a fellow employee about their frisky past is not okay. Their number or one-night stands are definitely out of your business.

Hook-ups are a private matter. Asking someone at work what went down during the weekend is inappropriate. Moreover, inquiring about their activities with a coworker or any sexual history is unacceptable whether it was an innocent act or not.

8. Viewing graphics with sexual nature

Displaying, sharing or looking at images, posters, drawings, pictures, and screensavers with sexual content are part of workplace harassment. It doesn't matter if the employee does it by themselves. Quitely looking at the material by their desk without the knowledge of others, it is still a form of harassment.

If you spot a screenshot of a half-naked woman or a man and it makes you uncomfortable, you can report it to Human Resources and upper management.

9. Libel or defamation

Slander or spreading rumors about someone's personal life is also a form of harassment. Damaging someone's reputation makes them feel they are in a hostile workplace. Moreover, distort their image to other people.

The workplace isn't a place for gossip. The office must call in and sanction people gossiping or spreading false information about your personal life, sex life, and other aspects of your existence.

10. Overhearing inappropriate language

Sexual harassment is any kind of behavior uncomfortable at work. You don't always have to be the victim of such circumstances. Anyone affected by incidents can report the act even if they were not its victims.

If you overhear an employee saying something sexual to one employee, it is a form of harassment. Report it especially when it makes you feel uncomfortable. Remember, no one must make inappropriate remarks at the office.

Sexual harassment or any form of bullying is common in the workplace. Unfortunately, only a few have the courage or knowledge about it. If any act makes you feel uncomfortable, you must report it immediately. Most of all, help anyone who can't defend themselves.


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